Troop 710 is chartered to American Legion Post #215 in Goochland, Virginia.  In addition to weekly troop meetings, activities include camping or backpacking trips, summer camps, service projects, and high-adventure trips for older Scouts. Troop 710 is part of the James River District in the Heart of Virginia Council.  Recent activities include backpacking trips in Maine, New Hampshire, and New Mexico, a camping trip to attend the Oceana Naval Air Show, summer camp in NC, a backpacking trip to Grayson Highlands, canoe trips , and bicycle "bike packing" trips.

Our troop meets each Monday evening from 7:10PM until 8:30PM in the Handicraft Lodge at Camp T. Brady Saunders in Goochland, VA.  Visitors are welcome at any of our Troop meetings - please contact one of our scoutmasters for additional information.  We also invite potential new scouts or rising Cub Scouts to join us on any of our monthly camping trips to get a feel for our troop. 

Since it's founding, Troop 710 has produced over 100 Eagle Scouts.  Scouting provides numerous leadership and service opportunities for young men and women in their churches, in their communities and in their schools as well as developing outdoors skills.

Troop 710 is split up into two troops; one for young men and one for young women. For more information, contact James Dick (boy's troop Scoutmaster) at or Elizabeth Ortuno (girl's troop Scoutmaster) at

Troop 710
2726 Fairground Road #160
Goochland, VA 23063
La Tropa 710 está fletada al American Legion Post #215 en Goochland, Virginia. Alrededor de 40 Scouts son miembros de la tropa. Además de las reuniones semanales de tropas, las actividades incluyen viajes mensuales de campamento o mochilero, campamentos de verano, proyectos de servicio y viajes de alta aventura para Scouts mayores. La Tropa 710 es parte del Distrito Cardinal en el Consejo del Corazón de Virginia.
Nuestra tropa se reúne todos los lunes por la noche de 7:10 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. en el Handicraft Lodge en el Cub Adventure Camp en Goochland, VA.Scout House (como lo llamamos) está ubicado en 1723 Maidens Road, Maidens VA. Los visitantes son bienvenidos en cualquiera de nuestras reuniones de tropas. También invitamos a nuevos Scouts potenciales o Cub Scouts en ascenso (Webelos 2s) a unirse a nosotros en cualquiera de nuestros viajes mensuales de campamento para tener una idea de nuestra tropa. Nuestros viajes mensuales de campamento son típicamente (pero no siempre) el 3er fin de semana del mes.

La dirección postal es:

Troop 710
2726 Fairground Road #160
Goochland, VA 23063
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